Cybel Innovations - Featured Products

The CYBEL PHOENIX-2040 is a Dual mode (CW-pulsed) at 2040nm with narrow linewidth (<50kHz) laser a 1W average power, 10W peak power, and 0.5 µJ energy for 50ns pulses and 2MHz PRF.

The PERSEUS - 1800 pulse fiber laser offers a peak power up to 50 W, and pulses from 50 ns to 200 ns with a broad range of repetition rates from 500 kHz to 2MHz. wavelengths available from 1760 to 1950 nm

The Cybel ORION-2000 Is a single frequency narrow linewidth (10 kHz) DFB Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) laser emitting in the range of 1900 to 2100 nm, with output power greater than 500 mW